Bethesda Fire Department has been operating since 1915 to protect and serve the community of Bethesda and its surrounding areas. We also provide mutual aid to other fire departments in the areas when needed. Bethesda Fire Department is made up of several dedicated volunteers who will respond to any call no matter what time of day or night, no matter what type of call it may be. We have trained responders for medical emergencies, auto accidents, house fires, other types of rescues, and general public service calls.
Bethesda Fire Department responds to approximately nine hundred fire and EMS calls per year. We pay two personnel to be on duty seven days a week. No matter the times of day, the weather, holiday, or occasion, we stop what we are doing to help those in need. We act on our own free will and do everything we can to keep our coverage area as safe as possible.
Bethesda Fire Department prides itself on serving such a great community and looks forward to many years of service to come. Rest assured that should you ever be alerted by the sound of your alarm, with your home or business quickly filling with smoke, or have a loved one in need of medical assistance, we will answer “the call” and make whatever sacrifices are necessary to protect your most valuable assets. Simply because it is what we do!
We are also in need of anyone who would be interested in a rewarding and ever-challenging career in Fire and EMS, whether it be professional or volunteer. Our doors are welcoming to anyone and everyone willing to join. Applications can be obtained by calling Bethesda Fire Department at 740-484-4573 or stopping by the station itself. If you have any questions about the signs, making a donation, or just questions in general, please feel free to contact Chief Neil Hunt at 740-359-3830.