Yesterday we had 3 water line breaks on Chestnut st. One was an old 1935 water line...the last water break fixed at 9:15pm.
A water boil order from 9pm August 24, 2024 to Monday Aug 26, 2024 at 9pm.
This is for residents of Chestnut Street only.
Attention all Epworth Park Friends:
We need your help to pick up limbs, leaves, and trash. Volunteers of all ages are welcome. Please bring rakes, gloves, and leaf blowers if you have them.
We have chosen Thursday April 25th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm as our clean up day. Our back up rain date is Saturday April 27 from 10:00 am to Noon. Snacks and drinks will be provided!
2022 Consumer Confidence Report is now available. Please click on the link to access the report.
Park Cleanup will be on April 1, 2023 at 10 am. Please join us to help prepare the park for summer.
The village will be doing water line repair the next few days. Because of this there will be a Boil order from Spruce Street, to South Main St, County Road 26 to McEndree Rd. for 48 hours starting January 5 at 11 wunitl January 7 at 11 am.
We as a community are excited to announce that thanks to the help of Dirk Davis, Bethesda Administrative and council members, Epworth Park Cottage Owners Association, BBM Rotary, Hazen Lodge Members, Judy Jenewein, Doug Frizzi, Bethesda Police Department and many more members of the community that will all be announced later, we are able to continue the tradition of the Chautauqua Hazen Lodge Bethesda Fishing Tournament. They say it takes a village and I'm am proud of ours for stepping up to help make this happen.
Sign up sheets will be available at locations throughout town. If you have already signed up, no need to turn in another form.
We will post further information shortly.
Thank you all for your continued support. You are all wonderful!
Please join us at the city building on May 5th for National Day of Prayer. Events will be held at noon and 7 pm.
The village will be starting to install a new 8 in sewer line on May 2, 2022. Any digging or cutting through driveways or digging in yards will be taken care of by the village after the ground has settled. Roger Morris Construction will be the company installing the new line. The construction will not interfere with the resident's use of the sewer line. There is no cost to the residents for the project of re-hooking you sewer lateral back to the new 8 in sewer line. If you would like to install a new lateral line to your house, you can talk to Roger Morris Construction. This is up to each property owner and not a requirement.
If you have any questions, please call the water/sewer dept at 740-484-1566, or The Administrator at 740-484-1250.
Dirk Davis
Bethesda Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be April 16, 2022 at 10 am. The hunt will be at the park.
Belmont County Water is issuing a water conservation order for all county water customers. This is due to power outages from the recent storm which is effecting the water pressure. Once full pressure is restored a 48 hour boil order will be in effect
Reminder that Bethesda Community Room is a designated warming center. We have a generator in case there are power outages. We ask that you bring sleeping bags if you need to stay over night. Feel free to contact us for more information.
From the village administrators office: paving will be starting this week on Gail avenue. Prep work should start tomorrow. When the paving begins we ask that residents on Gail who park on the street move their vehicles. Mr. Braido has said that residents can park along memory lane if they need to during paving. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at 740-484-1250
FYI: Columbia Gas will be out and about around town checking for gas leaks.
Information for the annual fishing tournament.

Bethesda's 2021 Easter Egg Hunt will be April 3, 2021 at 11 am at the Park. The Easter Bunny will be hanging around the park after the egg hunt for those that would like to see the Bunny but avoid the crowd for the egg hunt.
Bethesda has a water break on the old water line that will effect railroad st and East spring st. It was found at 11:30 am and crews are being called out for repairs. We don't have an estimated time for water recovery. There will be a boil order once repair is completed.
Dirk Davis
Bethesda city building will be closed from today until February 1 2021.
Water bills will be mailed on February 2 or 3rd....
Public works crews will work out of their homes only when needed as snow fall, water/Sewer testing ETC.
All water bills or any other bills you can drop off at the municipal building mail slot or at the Wesbanco Bank.
This is the order by the mayor because of covid-19 precautions.
If there is any issue that needs addressed, please reach out to us via Facebook or call the office and leave a message, we will return calls once the city building is reopened.
For anyone needing assistance, please see below:
Ohio EPA wanted to make community public water systems aware of financial assistance available to Ohioans who are behind on rent, mortgage, and water and/or sewer bills, as far back as April 1, 2020. This assistance is being made available from the CARES Act through 47 Community Action Agencies throughout the state.
Details on eligibility and how Ohioans can apply for this assistance can be found at https://businesshelp.ohio.gov/pdf/10232020-home-relief-grant.pdf
Due to the rise in Covid cases and Gov. Dewine’s emphasis on social gatherings, the November Council Meeting will be cancelled. We will be having a special meeting on Tuesday November 17th at 6:30 pm. This meeting will be to discuss the USDA Grant resolution, the purchase of an Ambulance, and budget for Christmas events. Special meetings are only held to discuss the stated materials. Nothing else will be brought up or discussed. Public is welcome, as always, but masks will be required, 6ft distancing is required. There will be no socializing within the building after meeting. December Council meeting will be on hold as we watch the Covid situation.
This month the following committees did not meet: police, personnel, and street. Recreation discussed plans for Christmas, those plans will be forthcoming. Finance committee discussed the budget in terms of wage increases, and the street chipping project.
We will post information on the Christmas House decorating contest shortly. We look forward to all the decorations!
This year, instead of being the Griswolds, Rick and I are taking all our lights over to the park and decorating the park. This is a big endeavor, and we are probably in over our heads, but we are going to attempt to make it something that everyone can come enjoy. I am asking anyone who has extra lights, extra decorations, or extra time on your hands, to lend us a helping hand. Since there will be no parade this year, if any organization who would have participated would like to take it upon themselves to sponsor and light up a shelter at the park, that would be amazing! With most events being cancelled this year, we would like to have something close to home that everyone can enjoy and bring a little Christmas spirit to Bethesda. Feel free to contact myself, Dirk, Rick, or any member of council if you want to assist.
I want to wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
Samantha Burkhead
The Bethesda-Belmont-Morristown Rotary Club is sponsoring a new hoodie collection for Union Local High School and Middle School students. New hoodies in sizes XXL and XL for boys and L, XL, and XXL for girls can be dropped off at the following locations:
Bel Morr Market: 66440 Belmont-Morristown Rd. Belmont
Belmont Mills: 400 S. Jefferson St. Belmont
Bethesda Municipal Building: 103 S. Main St. Bethesda
Whiteside’s GM Auto Dealership: 50714 National Rd. East, St. Clairsville
The last day to drop off items will be Monday November 16th.
During this pandemic we need to reach out and help one another. This is a wonderful way to reach out to our area students. Please take your items to one of the drop off locations. We thank you in advance for your contributions to this worthwhile Project.
For questions please contact Darla Schnegg at 740-213-7312
Please support Bethesda Park!
Hazen Lodge #261 will be having a chicken dinner benefit on October 4, 2020 at 1 pm. Cost is $10 per dinner. Each dinner is half a chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, roll, and a drink. Take out only. Call Dirk Davis at 740-582-1888 for tickets.
There was a water break on Old 147 State Route by the cemetary at 2:45 this afternoon. Public workers are now working on the line. The break occured when AEP drilled through our line. The water line is isolated from Ed & Jacks west. This should be fixed by 6:30pm. There will be a boil order for residents on State Route 147 from Ed &Jack's to Speidel. Boil order is for 48 hours from 6:30pm on 7-27 to 6:30pm on 7-29. Residents from Ed & Jack's to Bethesda will have water and will NOT be on a boil order.
There has been a water break at Bethesda Christian Church. AEP, who are installing the new power line poles, drilled into a 6 inch line. Dave Green has isolated the problem. This won't effect anyone's use of water until it is repaired tomorrow. We will let everyone know when the boil orders are issued.
Reminder that Chautauqua 2020 has been cancelled.
The BBM Rotary Car Show has also been postponed until September 19, 2020.
Council meeting from 6/25 has been rescheduled to 7-8-2020 at 6:30pm. Because of local spread of covid we are requiring masks be worn by everyone in attendance.
Council meeting scheduled for 6/25 will be rescheduled at a later date.
Today, June 12, 2020 our Public Workers, Jim Powell and Bryon Saffell, installed 30 Graduation Flags on telephone poles acknowledging the villages 202 graduates.
These Flags and Flag holders were bought through donations from numerous citizens, who the committee thanks.
Each town in the Union Local School District, were given Flags of their citizens, who missed their graduation, to try to be put up in the Villages where they live for all to View.
I thank Amy Latham and Shelly Studenc and all the others who help organize this project. It's "GREAT" to see how our UL citizens stand up for our "JETS" when needed.
The playground is now open.
We will have the regular council meeting as scheduled on May 28th at 6:30pm. Council will meet in the community room and the audience will meet in the council chambers. We will call over to the council chambers and have the meeting over speakerphone. If there are more than 10 people in the audience, we will have to move people throughout the halls of the city building to maintain social distancing as ordered by the governor. We encourage everyone present to adhere to CDC guidelines.
Bethesda is still planning on holding our fireworks on July 12, 2020. In order to help cover cost we are raffling off a Ruger Model 8532 .350 Legend. It will also come with your choice of a custom cerakote paint job by "We be AR's" in Wellsburg, WV. Tickets are $10 each and can be bought from anyone associated with the village.
Bethesda area Citizens,
The coronavirus is expected to greatly be a problem for everybody in the next two to three weeks. As most of you may know, Governor DeWine of Ohio and President Trump have extended the shut-down until April 30 and May 1, 2020.
The Village is cutting back the hours to the employees with in the building. Our Municipal Building will still be on lock-down until further notice.
Please continue to pay your bills at the drive thru at the bank or, put them in our outside box where the tickets and bills go in our parking lot.
1. Theresa, Water Clerk hours will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 am to 1pm. This is to answer phone calls for our customers, call at (740-484-1566).
DO NOT USE THE PHONE NUMBER OF (740-484-4431). This number is a land phone to the Sewer Plant that has been disconnected years ago. The phone company still puts the number in the phone books.
2. Dave Green, Water & Sewer Supt. hours will be 5:00 am to 1:00pm. If you need Dave you can call at (740-484-1566) or Cell # (740-391-3182) for emergency's.
3. Police Dept. Chief Busack will be in during regular scheduled hours.
4. Public Works Jimmy and Bryon, hours will be the same, until further notice.
5. Mayor's Clerk Donita, hours will be the same, Monday morning. you can reach the Mayor's clerk at: (740-484-1250).
6. Administrator Dirk, 11:00 am to 2:00pm Call (740-484-1250) Leave message anytime and I will get back to you.
I hope this helps everyone until this Pandemic is over
Click here to view the Stay at home orders ~ added 3/24/20
Click here to view the Stay at home orders FAQ ~ added 3/24/20
Bethesda area community:
Based on recommendations from the CDC on social distancing and the fact that the playground equipment cannot be sanitized, we are asking people to not use the playground equipment at this time. Know that this recommendation is being made for the safety of everyone to prevent the spread of this virus. We hope you all understand why we are taking these preventative steps. I know this comes at a bad time with the warmer weather and spring coming. I would be out there with my child as well. But if we all work together, we all get through this and will have many sunny days in the future to let our kids enjoy the playground.
~ Samantha Burkhead
Due to the coronavirus issue, The Village are taking the following precautions.
1. Paying water bills.....Please try to avoid using the Municipal Building as much as possible. If a question on your bill needs to be answered before payment, please call Theresa at this number and she will look up your account to answer your questions......740-484-1566.
2. Instead on coming into the building to pay at the office, please use the outside Mail Box in the parking lot. Or, pay water bills at the Bank.
3. Community room Center usage.....Rental of the Community rooms are cancelled. There is one Family scheduled to use the center on March 28. They will be allowed to use the room since it has been scheduled for some time before and it is for Family, not mixed meetings. NO new rentals will be allowed until further notice.
4. B.B.M.Rotary..... use of the community room has been cancelled until further notice.
5. Testing Back-Flow devices.....Back Flow testing will be done at the individual building as usual. Please call Steve Cowgill at, (740-680-9504) to make appointments on the following dates: April 13, 14, 16, & 17. Theresa Thornberry, Water Clerk will be sending out the information to the addresses which need Back-Flow Testing.
6. Bethesda VFD & Squad......will still be running calls as usual. The Dept. have taken their necessary precautions. They ask for citizens to use common sense with Flu type symptoms. I look for Chief Hunt to put additional information out on the Bethesda VFD Facebook site.
7. Bethesda Police Department....will be in operation as usual according to the Police schedule. Remember, when you cannot get ahold of our Police Department at anytime, call the Belmont County Sheriff Department at 9-1-1.
8. Bethesda Public Works ....will still be working their usual hours on daily check and issues on Water, Sewer, & Streets. For the Administrator, please call 740-484-1250 and leave message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Everyone, Please help us at this time of troubling issues. Keep inside as much as possible. Isolate yourself if need to. Get supplies according of need. Bottom line....don't go out unless you absolutely have to. Thanks!
Because of Corona Virus fears, and to protect those in our administration who are at high risk, council and I have decided to suspend meetings for the remainder of the month. Daily operations for the village will continue to be conducted by Dirk and our workers in the municipal building. Please respect the request in the previous post when it comes to foot traffic at the municipal building. If there are any immediate issues or concerns that you feel council need address, please contact us and we will work something out.
Also, because of the uncertainty surrounding this all, the Easter Egg Hunt will be temporarily placed on hold until we can see what the next few weeks present. We will do something for the children in our community, we are just waiting to see what best serves the wellbeing of everyone involved.
This is a temporary measure. There will be light at the end of the tunnel, and we will all persevere. In times of uncertainty, keep an eye on your neighbors, continue to bring a smile to children’s faces, always be ready with a kind word or a helping hand, and know that when all this is over we will be stronger than when it began. If anyone needs help with anything, please reach out to us.
I want to thank you all for your understanding when it comes to these measures.
~ Samantha Burkhead